International Association Of Professional Writers & Editors (IAPWE) is an online platform that bridges the gap between companies and talented writers. The website is also a helpful resource for professional and non-professional writers.

About Us

The About Us page does not provide any significant details about the website. However, it does claim to pay freelance writers a “competitive wage.”

The website utilizes the address 1732 1st Ave., New York, NY 10128. A business search via the New York Department of State website did not render any results for IAPW or International Association of Professional Writers & Editors.

Image: New York Department of State website

A Google search of the address shows it belongs to a UPS store.

Image: Google Search

Domain Information

The website was registered on September 29, 2015.

Image: WhoIs

Not BBB-Accredited

IAPWE is not a BBB-accredited business. The website has closed 13 BBB complaints in the last three years and seven complaints in the last 12 months. The complaints were related to the cancellation of paid subscriptions. The responses to these complaints are very aggressive. IAPWE blames PayPal instead of taking responsibility for the issue.

Image: BBB

The paid subscription is an upgrade that allows writers to earn money.

Afterword – IAPWE Scam

There is not enough evidence available to determine if IAPWE is a scam. However, the website does have a checkered past. If you really want to earn money freelance writing, join BlackHatWorld. For around a $100 year, you can earn money writing, selling websites, and other blackhat services. The site is legit just ask anyone. Freelancer is not so bad either but there are a lot of scam artists who utilize the website daily. Many of them pretend to be native English writers when in fact they are international.

Fivver is pretty much a scam. There are a few legit services on the website but the majority are scams.

Why in the world would someone agree to pay a monthly subscription when they are trying to earn money for their writing services?

Is IAPWE a scam? The website does have a shady history. Whether it is a scam or no cannot be validated. Check out the BBB complaints before signing up. It looks like the website does not like to cancel subscriptions. There is no information about payment or other processes.

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